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Dubai Public Transport Guide

Project Background

As a long-term partner of Dubai’s Roads & Transport Authority (RTA), providing public transport data, mapping and content services, Explorer was approached by the authority to redesign a guide targeted specifically towards tourists and leisure seekers. The guide showcases Dubai’s main attractions and connects the user to their destinations using public transport.


Roads and Transport Authority
Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Arabic | Chinese | English | Russian




Content Creation | Editing | Translation & Localisation | Proofreading | Creative Concepts | Graphic Design & Layout | Image Selection & Editing | Map Design

Editorial Strategy

Having produced destination content in Dubai for more than 20 years, few people understand the city better than Explorer. Armed in addition with all of the RTA’s public transport data, Explorer created a number of at-a-glance portrayals linking transport routes with popular attractions, including visitor itineraries based on time available and area profiles, and featured important tips and advice on how to use Dubai’s different modes of public transport.

Creative Approach

With many maps and areas to cover, Explorer maximised the space available through employing an innovative and bespoke concertina-style folded map concept. With attractions on one side and public transport information on the other, as well as reference maps in easy to locate cover positions, the product is intuitive to use and provides an engaging and tactile experience. Bright colours reference the different areas and modes of transport for quick recognition by the reader, while the licensing of appealing photography from Explorer’s image library inspires visitors to explore the featured attractions.